Enter the strings to be searched on the STRINGS screen, along with the length of each string. At the INPUT screen, enter the names and locations of the files to be scanned. The FIND "wild card" characters ('*' and '?') may be used for ambiguous file specification. When all files to be scanned have been entered, press PF(16) to begin processing. SCANSRC will display the name of the file as each is searched. If the file is not a source file, a correction GETPARM will appear; set the DEVICE field to NONE to continue processing.
When the search is complete, the NOFILES screen will show a count of the files that contained one of the search strings. The associated listing (similar to the SCANOBJ listing) shows the file name and location and the string found. Note that SCANSRC will search a file until a single item has been found, then exit and search the next file; thus, it will not list all occurrences of all strings.
If a large listing is expected, the size of the print file (initially set for 1000 records) should be enlarged. Use the GETPARM PRINT for this purpose.
STRINGS Press (RETURN) to continue or PF(16) to exit program.STRING1 (blank) The 40-character search strings to be (through) . . . found. Up to 12 strings may be STRING12 (blank) specified.
LENGTH1 (blank) The length of the string area to be (through) . . . considered in the search. LENGTH12 (blank)
INPUT Press (RETURN) to accept specification or PF(16) to end specifications and begin processing. (Note: this screen may be repeated as many times as necessary to specify all files to be searched.)
FILE (blank) The names and locations of the files LIBRARY (blank) to be processed. "Wild-card" entries VOLUME (blank) may be used. Press PF(16) to begin processing.
NOFILES Press (RETURN) to continue or PF(16) to exit program. (Note: this screen also displays the number of files found.)